Kim Lovegrove – new adjunct professorship appointment at Southern Cross University.

22 Apr 2024

Kim Lovegrove has been made an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Southern Cross University. 

Lovegrove & Cotton and Kim offer their sincerest thanks to SCU and Professor Charles Lemckert of SCU (deputy chair of the IBQC) for facilitating the appointment. 

The IBQC is generating a new set of globally impactful guidelines for the regulation of global building stock and SCU and Professor Lemckert have provided ‘R and D’ resourcing for this IBQC working group; the co-chairs of which are Kim and Professor Robert Hertle of Technical University of Munich. The support is most welcome such are the challenges in accessing ‘R and D’ back up for altruistic organisations.

Kim continues as an adjunct professor at University of Canberra, (the University that originally hosted the IBQC and launched the Centre courtesy of His Excellency the Australian Governor General David Hurley AC).

He is also a conjoint professor with the School of Law at Western Sydney University. Kim is a member of the Masters of Construction Law Committee with UWS, an excellent Masters programme that not surprisingly is getting significant traction.

Congratulations need to be extended to Professor Robert Whittaker AM (co-deputy chair IBQC) on his Adjunct professorship appointment at Southern Cross University. Professors Lemckert, Whittaker AM and Kim are all inaugural board members of the IBQC.

Our law firm maintains its commitment to working with institutions such as the IBQC and tertiary institutions such as the above on IBQC initiatives; all of whom share a passion for the betterment of the built environment locally and internationally. 

As the new generation of Lovegrove and Cotton lawyers come through we will remain committed to this mission.

Tsigereda Lovegrove for and behalf of the team at Lovegrove and Cotton.