Lovegrove & Cotton
Construction Law & Planning Law Weekly Bulletin
Monday 17 March 2014
How and Why Building Cases are Lost by Conjoint Professor Kim Lovegrove FAIB (Australian readership)
For every winner in a building dispute there is a loser. Conjoint professor Kim Lovegrove FAIB drawing upon nearly 30 years’ experience as a construction litigator provides a synopsis of the key factors that can give rise to defeat in a building case. To access the article click here.
Blow the Whistle on the Whistle Blower: Taking Action Against Vexatious Complainants By Mr. Peter Micevski (Victoria readership)
In Victoria, there is no limit on the number of complaints a person may make to the Building Practitioners Board about the work or conduct of a registered building practitioner. Sometimes, the outcome of the complaint is dismissed through a lack of evidence, or no further action is taken due to the breaches being minor. Unfortunately for the registered building practitioner they ordinarily incur legal costs and suffer stress and worry. Click here to view this article which outlines some avenues for redress against vexatious complainants.
Overshadowing, Overlooking are You Over-Reaching with Your Development? By Mr. Jarrod Gusta (Victorian readership)
Many home-owners in Victoria are concerned about whether the development next door will block out their sunlight or ‘look’ into their garden. This article by Jarrod Gutsa Planning and Construction Lawyer, considers the requirements of the City of Melbourne Planning Scheme, in relation to overlooking and access to sunlight. Click here to view this article.
BOINZ 47th Annual Conference & Expo 2014 – ‘Building Controls: Our Future’ (New Zealand and International readership)
The Building Officials Institute of New Zealand is holding its annual conference between April the 6th and 9th 2014 in Wellington. The two keynote speakers are the Hon. Maurice Williamson, Minister of Building and Construction and Conjoint Professor Kim Lovegrove FAIB. Kim’s address will canvass issues concerning anomalies and limitations with the NZ Building Act and he will provide pointers on how to fix it up. To access the flyer for this national conference, please click here.
The Lovegrove Smith & Cotton’s E-Library is a free online resource of articles, which puts a wealth of information at your fingertips. The articles in the E- Library have been written by lawyers and a number of them have been published in the Australian, The Age and the Herald Sun. Some of the articles date back to the 1990’s. To access please E-Library.
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