Influencing Building Law Locally and Internationally & other key milestones: Kim Lovegrove’s Contributions for almost 4 Decades– A Synopsis by Tsigereda Lovegrove.

4 Feb 2025

Kim Lovegrove’s career spans nearly 40 years. Kim Lovegrove was admitted to the Auckland High Court on 19 December 1985. Kim then moved to Australia in 1986, so this makes 2025 a special year as he recently reinstated his New Zealand practising certificate. Marked by transformative contributions to building law reform both in Australia and internationally. Domestically, he played a pivotal role in shaping landmark legislation such as the National Model Building Act and the Building Act 1993 (Vic)(” the Act”), laying the foundation for modern regulatory frameworks. 

Internationally, Kim’s expertise as a past senior law reform consultant to the World Bank and his leadership as Chair of the International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) have solidified his reputation as a thought leader in global building regulation. 

His career reflects a commitment to fostering collaboration, advancing best practices, and ensuring sustainable building law reforms across diverse jurisdictions. This piece highlights the key milestones of his journey.

1. The National Model Building Act (1991-1993)

Kim`s involvement in the National Model Building Act (NMBA) is one of his most significant contributions to building law reform in Australia. As the Project Director of the NMBA, he was one of the prime drivers in its development, providing a framework for consistent building regulations across Australian jurisdictions. 

It became the template for the development of some of the early nineties freshly minted Building Acts in a number of Australian jurisdictions.

Role and Achievements

  • It established a model framework for building regulation, focusing on:
    • Proportionate liability reforms, introduced for the first time in Australia.
    • A privatised alternative for issuing building approvals.
    • Mandatory insurance and practitioner registration.
    • Licensing for key actors.
    • Tenure liability capping.

2. Founding Lovegrove Solicitors (1993)

In 1993, in the middle of the ‘great recession’ Kim founded Lovegrove Solicitors, the original incarnation of what is now Lovegrove & Cotton Construction and Planning Lawyers. This marked the beginning of a dedicated legal practice focusing on construction law and building regulation. Thirty years later, it is headed up by the writer and Justin Cotton. 

Kim Lovegrove gifting a Penfold 707 to Justin Cotton in recognition of Justin’s more than two decades at Lovegrove & Cotton.

3. Transformative Leadership in Victorian Building Law (1993)

Following the NMBA’s chapter, Kim became the Assistant Director of Building Control in Victoria, where he was pivotal in shaping the Act in his capacity as instructing officer to parliamentary counsel.

Key Contributions

  • Introduced a privatised alternative to issuing building permits, giving consumers and applicants the option to choose between a local government building surveyor or a private building surveyor to:
    • Issue the building permit.
    • Carry out mandatory inspections.
    • Issue the occupancy permit.
    • The reform agenda:
      • Established a system of proportionate liability,
      • Established a ten-year liability limitation period,
      • and implemented mandatory registration and insurance for building practitioners.

These reforms streamlined regulatory processes, reduced project delays, and enhanced professional accountability of key actors.

Articles from archives on the impact of the reforms are below

‘Codes revolution is on its way’-

‘The New Building Act’ –

4. Deployment by the New South Wales Government (Late 1990s)

In the late 1990s, Kim was deployed by the New South Wales government as a key adviser on reforms to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, Part Four.

Key Innovations Introduced

  • Establishment of the Building Professionals Board, which regulated building practitioners.
  • Private certification to fast-track approvals and reduce project delays.
  • Ten-year liability capping.
  • Proportionate liability, ensuring equitable allocation of responsibility.

An article on the impact of the reforms is below.

‘Liability and Insurance Reforms ‘-

5. International Advisory Work: Japan (1997 and 2009)

In 1997 (as a representative of the Federal Government of Australia) and 2009 (in his own capacity), Kim was invited by the Japanese government to participate in law reform think tanks to advise on best practice reforms to Japan’s Building Standard Law.

Focus Areas

  • Enhancing safety and compliance measures.
  • Aligning Japan’s building regulations with best practice international standards.

6. Deputy Executive Director of the Australian Building Codes Board (Mid-1990s)

Domestically, Kim served as Deputy Executive Director and manager of policy with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). He had some input into the development of certain aspects of the Building Code of Australia.

7. Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee (1997)

In 1997, Kim played a key role in establishing the Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee (IRCC). This initiative promoted international cooperation in building regulation, connecting policymakers and experts to share insights and best practices. It now has 14 countries as international members.

A late 90s misty photo of the Lovegrove vineyard featuring a Kangaroo in the middle. The vineyard setting where some of the founders of IRCC progressed the establishment of the IRCC.

8. President of the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Building (Early 2000s)

In the early 2000s, Kim was elected President of the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Building (AIB).

9. Chair of the Victorian Building Practitioners Board (2007-2009)

From 2007 to 2009, Kim served as Chair of the Victorian Building Practitioners Board, overseeing the registration of building practitioners.

10. President of the Northern Chapter of the New Zealand Institute of Building (Approximately 2013)

About 10 years ago, Kim served as President of the Northern Chapter of the New Zealand Institute of Building.

11. Honorary Consul for Ethiopia to Victoria (2017-2018)

From 2017 to 2018, Kim served as Honorary Consul for Ethiopia to Victoria, furthering diplomatic and cultural ties between Ethiopia and Australia. 

Photos of the launch of the Consulate are below

Kim and his Family, Wezoor Lovegrove, Joy Lovegrove and wife Tsigereda Lovegrove at the launch of the Consulate in Melbourne.

During this tenure, he was awarded honours by the Ethiopian Crown Council for:

  • Humanitarian services to Ethiopia (RML).
  • Diplomatic services to Ethiopia (MSE).
Photo of Kim being awarded Humanitarian Honour for humanitarian services to Ethiopia by Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie, the late Emperor Haile Selassie`s grandson.

12. World Bank Consultancy (2018-2021)

Kim Lovegrove (seated middle) at the 2019 conference in Beijing hosted by the World Bank and the Chinese Government. Kim gave an address on key elements of best building regulations.  

Between 2018 and 2021, Kim was part of a World Bank team that provided advice on international best-practice approaches to designing building regulations. 

His work extended to cities in China, including Shanghai, Changzhou, Beijing, and Chongqing, as well as reviewing the first-ever Malawian Building Act.

Focus Areas

  • Advising on best practice delivery mechanisms for building permit delivery and modern building regulatory compliance frameworks.
  • Implementing scalable solutions for diverse regulatory environments.

13. A Prime Driver in the Establishment of the International Building Quality Centre (2019 to date)

In 2019, Kim was heavily instrumental in founding the International Building Quality Centre (IBQC), officially launched in 2020.

He is the inaugural chair and continues to hold that office.


  • A global thought leadership hub for collaboration and best practices in building regulation.
  • With a multinational board of preeminent international experts and supporters that include international NGOs and leading universities.

4 years on the Australian Governor General hosted an event to celebrate the achievements of the IBQC, photos of the event are below.

Pictured: Kim Lovegrove (middle) and to his left former Governor General The Honourable David Hurley AC CVO DSC.

4 years on the Australian Governor General hosted an event to celebrate the achievements of the IBQC, photos of the event are above.

Academic Achievements: Four Professorship Honorariums 

Kim Lovegrove holds four concurrent conjoint/adjunct professorships:

Publications and Thought Leadership

Kim Lovegrove has authored or co-authored approximately 15 books on construction law, providing invaluable insights for practitioners, policymakers, and academics.

Legacy and Ongoing Contributions

Kim Lovegrove’s career spans decades of impactful contributions to building law and regulation. His legacy includes ground-breaking legislation, international law reform consultancy, and academic leadership that continue to shape global best practices.

Some Comments by those that are familiar to Kim with respects to his contributions

Malawian High Court Judge the Hon Justice Gloria Namonde

Ethiopian Federal Court Judge the Hon Justice Maedot Tesfaye

Professor Robert Whittaker AM, Deputy Chair of the IBQC and a past National President of the Australian Institute of Building and has known Kim for 20 years.

Professor Charles Lemckert Deputy Chair of the IBQC.

Authors Notes

This piece settled by legal practice manager of Lovegrove & Cotton Tsigereda Lovegrove is record of some of Kim’s key achievements in law reform locally and internationally, spanning more than 40 years in addition to those that he has made on the diplomatic front when he was an Honorary Consul.