Celebrating Democracy: A Very Poignant & Timely Address by the Hon. Judith Collins KC, NZ Attorney-General & Minister for Defence at Western Sydney University

“The rule of law retains as much importance today as it did in the 19th century, when the term was first coined. Some may argue it is now more important than ever, when it comes to the unprecedented challenges we are facing today.” – the Honourable Judith Collins KC, 25 October 2024.
On October 25th, Western Sydney University hosted an event featuring an exceptional address from the New Zealand Attorney-General and Minister for Defence, the Hon. Judith Collins KC, who highlighted the cornerstones of democracy—freedom of speech, the rule of law, and the independence of the Attorney-General’s office.Â
Held at the Whitlam Centre, WSU the gathering drew a very attentive and focussed audience of senior jurists, academic luminaries, and law students. Dean Catherine Renshaw (featured behind the podium) moderated the session with dignified aplomb, while the Vice-Chancellor’s opening address set an inspiring tone for the event.
Following the keynote, a vibrant Q&A session unfolded, moderated by the said Dean and joined by a distinguished panel that included (seated from left to right) the Attorney-General, the WSU Vice-Chancellor Professor George William AO and the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, former Justice of the High Court of Australia.

The panel’s lively discourse captivated the audience, traversing the fundamentals of democracy and pressing legal issues of moment, adding depth to an already inspiring event.
‘In closing, Professor Renshaw announced that the Attorney-General had been appointed an Adjunct Professor of Law at Western Sydney University.1‘ A fitting tribute, a gesture met with enthusiastic applause.Â
Western Sydney University is to be commended for this initiative and this fine day, while the New Zealand government is likewise to be commended for affording the university the opportunity of an address by the ‘Senior Law Officer of the Crown‘ of our close neighbour.

Attendees, including the writer and professor Robert Whittaker AM, Chair of the IBQC and Deputy Chair respectively (both of whom are WSU adjunct professors) were very grateful to be part of this auspicious gathering, celebrating a significant synergy between academia and government in promoting democratic ideals.

From left to right Adjunct Professor Kim Lovegrove MSE, RML, Tsigereda Lovegrove Practice Manager of Lovegrove & Cotton Lawyers, The New Zealand Attorney General Judith Colins KC, Dean Catherine Renshaw, Deputy Dean Elen Seymour and Professor Robert Whittaker AM.
Additional thanks are extended to Deputy Dean Elen Seymour of WSU, Rebecca Louise Alo, Senior Private Secretary to the Attorney-General, and Sahaana Kalaruban of WSU for their instrumental roles in facilitating this memorable event.
A photo collage below captures the speakers and some of the event’s attendees, including judicial luminaries, a gathering that celebrated the enduring power of democratic principles.

Second from the left standing next to the Attorney General is Justice Sharon Burchell a Judge of the County Court of Victoria. Her Honour is also a member of the IBQC Dispute Resolution Committee of which Tsigereda Lovegrove is the secretary.

The Attorney General’s paper can be accessed by clicking – Address to Western Sydney University: Constitutional and Rule of Law challenges in current global environment. The writer commends the paper to the reader and others that have an interest in the critical importance of some of the key tenets of democracy.